#TarotStoryTuesday: The Star, The Moor, and Ten of Gourds

#TarotStoryTuesday: The Star, The Moor, and Ten of Gourds

Welcome to my first Dust II Onyx #TarotStoryTuesday

Creative writing exercises are a wonderful way to develop your intuitive gifts, inspire emotional or spiritual healing, develop ideas for projects, or even do some real-life problem-solving. It allows us to let go of preconceived notions and outcomes to speak from a place beyond our conscious mind. Tarot is a great creative writing companion tool to use! Plus, for those of us learning and expanding our practice, these exercises will deepen your knowledge of the deck and expand the meanings of each card, as well as teach you to see their connections. Anywho! Let’s get on to the instructions:

Take a moment to meditate on the tarot cards posted. Pay attention to even the smallest details in the card (or even around the card if the scenery inspires you).

Write a short story, poem, song, or even make a video based on the narrative that unfolds. You may also recount a personal experience that comes to mind.

Repost this image to your Instagram page, other social media pages, and/or blog using hashtag #tarotstorytuesday, including your story. You can also post it in the comment section below (max 300 words for comments)

Tag @dust2onyxtarot or hashtag #dust2onyx so I can read them and share! (If you don’t want it re-posted by me feel free to add *NO-REPOST* at the end) You can also message me the link if you posted on another social media platform or your own website.





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